
Last updated: Sep 8th, 2019


This page lists all of the configuration options supported by OverrideAudit. These allow you to customize how OverrideAudit acts in various situations in order to better suit your workflow.

Use the Preferences > Package Settings > OverrideAudit > Settings menu option (under MacOS, Preferences is under Sublime Text in the menu) to open the OverrideAudit settings.

As with other Sublime packages, the default configuration options are visible in the left of the newly created window and your custom settings are on the right. In order to change a setting from it's default value, add it to your custom settings with the appropriate value.

The list below specifies all of the possible configuration options, including what they do, the type of value they accept and what the default value is.

Configuration Options

reuse_views boolean


OverrideAudit generally creates an output view to show you the results of operations. When this option is enabled (the default), OA will try to find the view created last time and reuse it for the new command. When disabled, a new view is created every time.

Some OverrideAudit commands may ignore this setting.

clear_existing boolean


When reuse_views is enabled (the default), this controls whether a reused view is cleared of its contents prior to executing the command or if the new output is appended to the end of the existing view.

Some OverrideAudit commands may ignore this setting.

ignore_overrides_in list


This is an optional list of package names which should be excluded from commands that show/calculate override information. The format of this option is the same as the ignored_packages Sublime setting.

This does not affect packages displayed in the general package list; it only hides packages from lists that show packages with overrides, such as the Override Report or the commands that find and diff overrides.

NOTE: Any overrides you create in packages in this list will be masked from you, so be very careful about what you add to the list.

diff_unchanged string

"diff", "ignore", "open"

When using the Diff Single Override command, this setting controls what happens when the selected override has no differences from the underlying file.

The possible values of this setting are:

  • "diff" to open a tab with the empty diff in it
  • "ignore" to ignore the command; the status line will indicate the lack of changes
  • "open" to open the file for editing, allowing you to see its contents or make new modifications.

diff_context_lines number


When displaying a diff for an override, this specifies how many unchanged lines before and after each difference are displayed to provide better context for the changes.

diff_empty_hdr boolean


When enabled, this allows you to see the source files and related time stamps of both files that participated in the diff even when there are no changes to display.

This applies both to a bulk diff as well as a single file diff, but note that for a single file diff this option will only have an effect if diff_unchanged is set to "diff", as otherwise no diff is displayed.

save_on_diff boolean


This setting controls whether or not OverrideAudit will make sure any unsaved changes are persisted to disk when switching from an edit of an override to a diff of it, so that your changes will be reflected in the diff.

This option has no effect for a buffer with unsaved changes that represents a file that no longer exists on disk (i.e. you have opened the override and then deleted it) to ensure that you don't accidentally resurrect a deleted file by saving it again.

confirm_deletion boolean


When removing files, this setting controls whether OverrideAudit will prompt you to confirm the deletion before it happens or not.

OverrideAudit uses the send2trash library that ships with Sublime Text to perform file deletions.

confirm_freshen boolean


When freshening expired override files, this setting controls whether OverrideAudit will prompt you to confirm the operation before it happens or not.

Although this operation is not destructive, freshening an expired override will stop OverrideAudit from warning you that it's expired.

confirm_revert boolean


When reverting an override file back to it's original unmodified state, this setting controls whether OverrideAudit will prompt you to confirm the operation before it happens or not.

This operation is destructive; the current content of the override will be lost as a result of this action. Make sure that you have it safely backed up (for example in a version control system like git) if you wish to come back to it at a later date.

binary_file_patterns list

contents of the global setting in Preferences.sublime-settings

This setting is identical to the Sublime Text setting of the same name and controls what files are considered to be binary for the purposes of performing a diff operation.

The default value for this operation is taken from your regular Sublime Text user settings, so you only need to specify a value in the OverrideAudit settings if you want to consider a different set of files binary for the purposes of diffs.

report_on_unignore boolean


OverrideAudit can automatically generate a report to check for expired overrides every time a package is removed from the ignored_packages list in your Preferences.sublime-settings file.

As well as happening when you manually decide to re-enable a package you have been ignoring, this is also an indication that Package Control has finished upgrading a package.

When this option is turned off, checks for expired overrides only happen when Sublime starts or when you manually create an Override Report

When enabled, the report will only be shown if any expired overrides are found.

external_diff boolean string dictionary


OverrideAudit allows you to open an existing override diff in an external tool of your choice if so desired. This is often helpful for overrides with complex diffs, for doing selected reverts or edits based on the original file, and so on.

The default value for this setting is false, which disables the external diff functionality.

If you use the Sublimerge Pro or Sublimerge 3 package in Sublime Text, you can set external_diff to the string "sublimerge" to open the external diff using that package.

The setting may also be set to a JSON dictionary similar to that used in a sublime-build file. In this dictionary, the keys shell_cmd, env and working_dir work as they do in a build. The platform keys linux, windows and osx may also be set as in a build system to provide platform specific settings, which allows you to use one settings file across all platforms.

The variables that are standard in a sublime-build file are also valid here, as well as the variables $base and $override which represent the name of the base file and the override file respectively.

ignore_unknown_overrides boolean list


When displaying an Override Report or a Bulk Diff Report, OverrideAudit can display files which appear in the Unpacked version of a package but not in the sublime-package file for that package.

These files are known as unknown overrides, and are an indication that a resource has been added to a package by you or that a file that used to be an override is no longer considered to be one due to a package update.

This setting can be set to true to enable this feature or false to disable it. Additionally you can set it to a list of regular expressions for matching resource file names. This will enable the feature and also use the list of expressions to hide matching files.

The default is to enable the setting by filtering away the control files that various version control systems use to be able to track files.


Package resources always use the posix (unix-style) path separators, even on Windows. Additionally, when using the setting as a list of regular expressions, each expression is inherently anchored to the start of the resource name

mini_diff_underlying boolean


When editing an overridden package resource, OverrideAudit can set up the incremental diff feature of Sublime to track the underlying package file being overridden. This allows the diff indicators in the gutter to show you changes as compared to the underlying file as well as being able to use native functionality to navigate between changes and revert hunks.

When set to true (the default), every time you open or save a package override, the incremental diff will be set to track the packed version of the resource file you're editing. Setting this setting to false disables this feature, in which case the incremental diff works the same for overrides as for other files.

For this setting to have any effect, the mini_diff setting in your user preferences must be set to true.